How effective are CSADA and SomnoDent as sleep apnea treatments?

This question was asked in Redding, California on 07/23/2014.
I did a sleep study years ago, was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and use a CPAP. However, it is too noisy and I am seeking alternative treatment. How effective are CSADA and SomnoDent as sleep apnea treatments? How do these treatments work?

Doctors Answers (2)

Robert C. Jones, M.D.
Answered on: 7/24/2014

These treatment clinical trials show they are very effective. You may want to come in for a consultation with a board-certified sleep physician to see if these may be an option for you.

Richard L. Jacobson, D.M.D., M.S.
Answered on: 7/24/2014

Very effective if diagnosed correctly and applied appropriately.