How does a dental snoring device work?

This question was asked in Liberty, Kansas on 08/12/2013.
I’ve tried a snoring device that I got over the counter and it didn’t work for me. Will it work if I get one from a dentist? How are they different?

Doctors Answers (3)

Timothy J. Delcambre, DDS, MHA
Answered on: 8/14/2013

A dental anti-snoring device works by properly positioning the lower jaw forward, thus opening the breathing area (pharynx) behind the tongue and soft palate. This should decrease or stop snoring completely. Over the counter devices many not give adequate retention, stability or positioning of the lower jaw to open the pharynx and stop snoring. Before this appliance is made though, I would advise you to have a sleep study done at a licensed sleep center to verify you don't have obstructive sleep apnea or some other sleep disorder. Talk to your primary care physician about a referral to a sleep center.

Joseph Lee, DDS, FICOI
Answered on: 8/14/2013

The key factor to find out is why you are snoring to begin with. A dentist trained in treating snoring can help you determine if an oral sleep appliance will help you with your snoring.

Faryl K. Hart, DDS
Answered on: 8/13/2013

So, your over the counter device did not work. There could be several reasons that it did not work for you. First did you have a definite diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea? You may have some other medical condition that is contributing to your snoring. An appliance that is made by your dentist is custom made for you. Adjustments for your lower jaw to come more forward are usually tolerated much better than one you purchase in a store. Dental oral appliances are usually effective about 80% of the time for obstructive sleep apnea.