Reasons for Snoring

Snoring is not only a thing among men; it can also affect women. Studies show that snoring can occur not only in women in their 50s, but also in women in their 20s. Snoring may not really be a serious problem, although at times it is a sign of a much more serious condition, but it can an embarrassing thing for women.

According to Dr. Sunaina Rawat, a sleep disorder specialist, the snoring sound is the result of the vibrations of the tissues at the back of throat and nose. The noise is caused by the turbulent flow of air as it passes through the narrow air passages. She further added that snoring is not serious, it only becomes serious when the soft tissues constrict the air passages, and prevent regular breathing. Thus, when breathing is obstructed, then it can result in several serious complications.

Here are some reasons why men and women snore:

  • Heredity. According to Dr. Rawat, heredity plays a major role in snoring. If the previous generations have smaller throats or small air passageways, then this trait can be passed down to the next generation.
  • Age. Older people are more prone to suffer from snoring because as one gets older, the throat becomes constricted. With the throat being constricted, the airway becomes smaller, making breathing difficult, causing the soft tissues of the back of the throat and nose to tremble and vibrate. These muscles also soften with age, and may collapse, obstructing the airways.
  • Medication. Medications, such as sleeping pills and cough syrup, can lead to snoring. These medications relax the muscles and obstruct the air passages.
  • Soft pillows. Soft pillows causes the neck to slant, causing the airways to be blocked, restricting air flow.
  • Sleeping on the back. For people with constricted air passages, sleeping on the back can worsen their condition. Sleeping on the sides opens up the air passages, leading to better airflow.
  • Clogged nose. Colds and sinusitis can worsen or cause snoring. With a clogged nose, a person cannot breathe well; they grasp for air in the form of snoring.
  • Obesity. Obese people are at high risk for snoring because of their large throat muscles. The fatty tissues and muscles can obstruct the airway, making breathing difficult when asleep.
  • Gender. Males are more prone to snoring than females. This is because men generally have smaller throats and airways than women. Body structure is the reason why they snore more frequently and more loudly than women.
  • Alcohol. Drinking alcohol before sleeping can cause snoring. Alcohol has the same effect as sleeping pills and cough syrup; it relaxes the throat muscles, constricting air flow.

There are several ways to prevent and alleviate snoring. Snoring may be prevented by trying to lose weight, avoiding alcohol consumption, choosing and sleeping on the right pillows, avoiding certain medications, and sleeping on the sides. In cases when these conservative remedies do not work, it is advisable to seek medical help. Having small airways may be corrected through surgery.