Can all dentists prescribe oral appliances for sleep apnea?

This question was asked in Vancouver, Washington on 02/18/2013.
Can all dentists prescribe oral appliances for sleep apnea or do they need a special certification?

Doctors Answers (2)

Joseph Lee, DDS, FICOI
Answered on: 2/19/2013

All dentists can prescribe oral sleep appliances. However, most may choose not to do so. Dentists who treat sleep apnea with oral appliances usually have additional training to understand how to treat this sleeping disorder.

Timothy J. Delcambre, DDS, MHA
Answered on: 2/19/2013

Once a sleep study has been completed and a patient has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the physician supervising the study will make recommendations as to the proper treatment of the sleep apnea. Treatment options will range from CPAP, surgery, an oral appliance to reposition the lower jaw forward or a combination of these recommendations. A dentist, with proper training and understanding of sleep apnea, can then fabricate an oral appliance to position the lower jaw forward opening up the oropharynx, the airway behind the tongue and soft palate. This will assist in proper treatment of the sleep apnea.